Hummel Eye Associates

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Philosophy of a Comprehensive Dilated Eye Examination

  • By websitebuilder
  • 08 Sep, 2017
"The eyes are the window to the soul" is a profound statement for philosophers and poets, but for doctors, "the eyes are the window to your health" rings true. Eye doctors are fortunate to have a window that allows them to clearly view the inside of the eye. By looking inside, your eye doctor can detect conditions such as Cataracts, Glaucoma, and Macular Degeneration. A dilated eye exam can even allow your doctor to see signs of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol! Your eye doctor can detect bleeding in the tiny blood vessels indicative of Hypertension or Diabetes. Plaques that come from clogged carotid arteries due to high cholesterol can sometimes be seen inside your eyes as well. Vitamin or nutritional deficiencies can be detected in the eye also, but is less common in the United States.
     We are all aware that freckles and moles on our skin should be watched for changes, but did you know you can have a freckle inside your eye also? Only your eye doctor can see the freckle on your retina (or nevus as we call it), and can monitor for any changes in shape, color or size.
   Comprehensive dilated eye examinations to check the "window to your health" are recommended every 1-2 years depending on age, or more often as needed.
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